Texas. It's interesting how many of todays news stories are have a connection to Texas. Bush obviously. The Saudi royals involvement in the oil and finance industry in Texas. BCCI bank (the one that channelled funds to the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan via Pakistan, and also the one that bankrolled the Iran-Contra operation, featuring G.Bush senior - a Texan) was formed by a couple of Saudi's operating out of Texas, and now Mark Thatcher (supporter of coups in oil rich African states) who'se apprenticeship in the "oil business" was served in Texas. Mmmm.
Jack Straw is in Sudan to demand that the atrocities in Dharfur cease. Problem is with the comittments we have in Afghanistan and Iraq, we can't really do anything if the Sudanese ignore us. Here is a real example of justified intervention yet because of Bush and Blair's obsession with Iraq, we can't do anything.
Regarding the previous post, this was my post of April 16th this year.
"I'm not sure how this 30th June "transfer of sovereignty" in Iraq works.There is no Iraqi army or police force, so obviously the "coalition" forces can't leave otherwise there would be anarchy (remember Afghanistan in the 1990's) Therefore the ultimate power is in the hands of the "coalition" forces. So if the "sovereign" authority wants to do something which the US disagrees with, what happens?"
We'll see in the next few days.
"I'm not sure how this 30th June "transfer of sovereignty" in Iraq works.There is no Iraqi army or police force, so obviously the "coalition" forces can't leave otherwise there would be anarchy (remember Afghanistan in the 1990's) Therefore the ultimate power is in the hands of the "coalition" forces. So if the "sovereign" authority wants to do something which the US disagrees with, what happens?"
We'll see in the next few days.
Hi I'm back again! I've been having serious computer problems, but all should be OK now. What's been going on? The "Coalition" forces seem to be increasingly at odds witrh the Iraqi govt. regarding Moqtada - the US (sorry "coalition") wants to show the Shia who's boss, and the Interim government (who we were told were going to be the boss) wants to try and reach some accomadation with Al- Sadr in the interests of long-term nation building.