I thought to keep the blog complete I would post my previous letters to the press.
"Dear Sir,
I was wondering when can we expect David Aaronovitch's analysis of Richard Clarke's testimony?
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Wills."
"Dear Sir,
David Aaronovitch's article in today's "Observer" (not entitled "was I right on Iraq?" as were his previous two articles) had me scratching my head. I had to re-read it twice to establish exactly what he was trying to say. He castigates Malcolm Rifkind (he's on your side Dave) for his, admittedly, opportunistic and disingenuous attack on Blair. He ridicules those who would have liked Blair to use his "influence" to change Dubya's stance on Iraq and Palestine, and he scoffs at the idea of Blair building a relationship with John Kerry (who he describes as "not even formally the Democratic Presidential nominee" - rearrange these words Dave "hostage" and "fortune"). Then we are told about how Blair is using his "influence" to steer Dubya towards involving the UN. Dave, if the USA has to keep on paying for this "nation building" in Iraq, it will bankrupt them. If they can find a way to get someone else to pay to clean up the unholy mess they've created, they aren't going to need much persuasion. Dave then addresses the June "handover of sovereignty". What does "sovereignty" mean ? According to Sun Yu and Niccolo Machiavelli the defining element of a "state" is the ability to defend the integrity of that state. Which army and police force will the nascent New Iraq be relying on? Will it be their own security apparatus? No, of course it won't,l such a thing doesn't exist. The ultimate authority (the threat of violence) will still be the US military. Dave then goes on to say that of course Bush and Sharon are wrong about Yassim (no-one thought he was Santa Claus Dave, don't mistake pragmatism for naivity) and the West Bank, and finishes back with Rifkind again for not doing anything about Srebrenica. Dave, what is your point exactly?
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Wills.
"Dear Sir,
I found the article about British Muslims in Today's "Observer" very interesting, and somewhat disturbing. Osama Saeed of the Muslim Association of Britain is quoted as saying that some British Muslims "carry the burden of struggles elsewhere - Palestine, Iraq and Kashmir". As we all know, Kashmir and Palestine have been at the heart of immense suffering (including 9/11) for 50 years now. So the effect of the Iraq fiasco is to that Muslims have another reason to resent Europe and America. What does David Aaronovitch think?
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Wills."
"Dear Sir,
Have the apologists for Aznar's frankly bizarre and politically cynical attempts to deny the obvious, and blame ETA for Thursday's outrage (Melanie Phillips, Tony Blair, David Aaronovitch - sorry Dave but I find your feeble attempts at justifying your ludicrous position on the "war" increasingly comical) considered that the time wasted trying pathetically to implicate the Basques, may have hindered not only the investigation into that atrocity, but also any attempt to use information on the real suspects in preventing further carnage - possibly in London.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Wills."
"Dear Sir,
The prompt dispatch of the Aznar government (Aznar's father was apparently a close friend of Franco - some pedigree!) is a refreshing sign of where ultimate political power lies. This should give Mr Blair paues for thought. However he should be more concerned that his only European ally in the absurd Iraq venture is Silvio Berlusconni. What does David Aaronovitch think?
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Wills."
"Dear Sir,
I see that a number of Oil Companies have pulled out of a conference on reconstucting the Iraqi oil industry, which is supposed to happen later this month in Basra. Understandably they will not to expose their employees to potential events like the Fallujah atrocity of last week. What does David Aaronovitch think?
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Wills."